Chihuahua parents are all too aware of this breed's love for sleep, but exactly how long do Chihuahuas sleep, and why do they sleep that much? While just 12 hours of sleep is enough for most dog...
Category: Diet and Health
If you've owned a dog long enough, he must have stared at you with pleading eyes till you gave in and shared your snack. You're not alone – many people share their food with their pets. Is there...
When it comes to your dog’s diet, a lot of questions can come to mind. Every dog parent wants the best for their fur baby, and proper nutrition is crucial in doggie health. So, can...
There are different types of Chihuahuas you can choose from, but the American Kennel Club only recognizes two breeds of Chihuahuas, short coat and long coat. The coat is the primary differentiating...
What Is the Importance of Chihuahua Dental Health? Nothing feels better than the sweet kisses from your puppy, so you should make sure you keep their cleanliness. It would be great to take care of...
When Do Chihuahuas Lose Their Teeth? What You Need to Know About Puppy Teething
Several puppies get adopted or purchased every day. Most of their new owners, however, are usually unprepared for the teething problems that could linger for up to two years. Chihuahua puppies,...