What Is the Importance of Chihuahua Dental Health?
Nothing feels better than the sweet kisses from your puppy, so you should make sure you keep their cleanliness. It would be great to take care of the puppy’s teeth from the first day and not when problems begin. Also, note that certain chihuahua breeds need extra care because they are more prone to dental issues.
It would help if you gave the puppy biscuits like Milk-Bone from a young age. There are several biscuits from many companies meaning your dog has a variety. You can also give the puppy hard toys because they are suitable for the teeth. The most important thing is to provide the puppy with hard and crunchy things that will strengthen their teeth.
The food you give your puppy also plays a significant role in their teeth strength. Do not combine canned and dry food because it makes the food soft. You can also buy dog-brushing kits from a pet store near you to brush and floss the puppy’s teeth – this is the best way to clean chihuahua teeth.
Also, examine the dog’s teeth and look out for brown stains on the teeth.
What Are the Common Chihuahua Teeth Problems?
There are many chihuahua health issues, but dental problems occur often. These dental problems happen to many dog breeds.
Examples of these diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Below we discuss them.
Gingivitis happens after bacteria accumulate in your dog’s teeth and creates a biofilm. When this bacterium accumulates, it makes the dog’s gums swell. Signs of this condition are bad breath, bleeding gums, and red gums. You can reverse this condition by cleaning the teeth, leading to adverse health conditions if you ignore it.
Such condition happens when bacteria accumulate beneath the structures that hold the teeth. Signs of this condition are foul breath, sneezing, and discharge from the nose.
Periodontitis leads to tooth loss, and it might spread the infection to other parts of the body. In addition, it destroys vital body parts like the liver, but you can treat the dog using antibiotics.
Gum Disease
It happens when the gum overgrows and conceals the dog’s teeth. There are two types of gum diseases – epulides and hyperplasia. Signs of both conditions are a reduced appetite and bleeding in the gums. It would be great to treat this condition at an early stage to shun gum infection.
These dental cavities do not happen in dogs often because of the nature of their saliva, but bacteria can still accumulate here. It would help to look for black and rotting areas in the teeth and soft enamel.
These cavities cause pain and make it hard for the puppy to chew food. In addition, in extreme conditions, it releases toxic substances into the bloodstream. You can treat this condition by extracting the teeth.
How Can You Know if the Chihuahua’s Teeth Are Healthy?
It is essential to make sure your dog has healthy teeth. Below are methods you can use to know this:
They have healthy gums.
Healthy gums in dogs are firm, and they might be pink or black. Some puppies have spotted gums, but that is normal. Healthy gums do not have bad breath, so you should be close to it when it yawns.
They have healthy tongues.
Healthy tongues come in various colors, from blue to black. They also lack any lumps or cysts on them. On the other hand, dogs with soft tongues show an adverse condition like lack of oxygen.
Healthy dogs have a fresh smell.
All dogs have a specific odor amount in their breaths, so it is advisable to smell them whenever they breathe. However, healthy dogs do not have stinky breath. Therefore, any changes in the dog’s breath might state a dental issue.
How Do You Look After Your Dog’s Teeth?
You can look after your dog’s teeth using the following ways:
Brushing them
You will end major dental concerns by brushing your dog’s teeth. Brushing is the best way to clean chihuahua teeth.
Using essential oils
This is another option to use while taking care of your dogs’ teeth. These oils have peppermint and are safe for the dog’s health.
How Often Should You Clean Their Teeth?
It would be great to look after your puppy’s teeth every month to detect issues like periodontitis and gingivitis. You can use strategies like flossing and brushing to make sure the teeth are strong.
Chihuahuas are a rare breed that many people prefer. They shed off their milk teeth in the first three months to make way for the permanent teeth. With the above proper care techniques, your puppy will have strong and healthy teeth.